What’s the Past Tense of Buy? Brought or Bought?
The verb buy has two forms: buy and bought. Bought is the past tense and past participle form of buy.
The verb buy has two forms: buy and bought. Bought is the past tense and past participle form of buy.
Both sped and speeded are accepted past tense and past participle forms of the verb speed, though sped is the preferred past participle.
Taken (not the Liam Neeson movie) is the past participle form of take. Take is the present tense, and took is the past tense.
To freeze is the present, froze is the past, and had frozen is the past participle form of the verb freeze.
To hide is the present tense. Hid is the simple past, and hidden is the participle form of the verb hide.
To tear is the present tense; tore is the simple past tense. Torn is the past participle.