Hurt or Hurted? What’s the Past Tense of Hurt?
Hurt is the same in the present, past and past participle form of the verb. It’s an irregular verb with one verb form.
Hurt is the same in the present, past and past participle form of the verb. It’s an irregular verb with one verb form.
Cut is an irregular verb that has one form for the present, past and past participle. Cutting is the present participle, and cuts is the third-person singular.
Let is an irregular verb with one past tense form, and that’s let. Let’s is a contraction that combines let + us.
Put is an irregular verb with one form that remains unchanged no matter the tense. It’s similar to other irregular verbs like shut, burst, let, and hurt.
The verb set belongs to the class of irregular verbs with one form, like bet, shut, and hurt, set remains unchanged despite tense.
The verb to shut belongs to the category of irregular verbs with only one form. This means that shut remains the same in the past tense, and is simply shut.