What’s the Past Tense of Lead?
The past tense of the transitive verb ‘to lead’, is ‘led’ (rhymed with fed).
Started Grammarflex(ing) in 2022—been a word nerd and writing enthusiast ever since. (BA, MA in phil).
The past tense of the transitive verb ‘to lead’, is ‘led’ (rhymed with fed).
Pliers are a plural-only noun because they are made up of parts. ‘A pair of pliers’ refers to them as a singular noun.
Zeroes or zeros are both accepted plurals of the noun (and non-figure) zero.
Both dogmas and dogmata are accepted plurals of dogma (sing. n.). Dogmata is the original Greek pl. n. form; dogmas is the Americanized plural.
The plural of self is selves. Like most nouns that come from German and are sibilants, self takes on -ves as a pl. n. form.
The plural of the Latin noun, colloquium, (pronounced koll-o-kwee-um) is colloquia or colloquiums.
The word and noun matrix originally comes from Latin, and has two accepted plurals: matrixes and matrices (matrices being the original pl. form).
Criteria, which are a “standard or principle by which something is judged”, is a plural noun. Criterion is the singular of criteria.