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Grammarflex » Archives for Dalia Y » Page 18

Dalia Y

Started Grammarflex(ing) in 2022—been a word nerd and writing enthusiast ever since. (BA, MA in phil).

When to Use Affect vs. Effect

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‍ Affect vs. effect: what’s the difference? How do you use affect and effect? Here’s a pro (Grammarflex) tip to aide your memory—it’s as easy as remembering that affect is a verb and effect is a noun. See what I did there? The letters in bold, (i.e., those that altogether spell RAVEN), stands for ‘remember,… Read More »When to Use Affect vs. Effect

What’s the Plural of Fish?

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The plural and singular forms of fish is fish, for the most part. Sometimes, fishes also works as the plural form of fish.

Infer vs. Imply?

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What’s the difference between infer vs imply? To start, they’re two different words with distinct meanings—so be sure not to confuse them in writing.

Is it Cancelled or Canceled?

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Is cancelled one L or two? Does it have something to do with which side of the pond you’re from? You guessed it.