Gray or Grey: Which is the Right Spelling?
Both grey with an ‘e’ and gray with an ‘a’ are correct spellings of the colour/shade, grey/gray.
Both grey with an ‘e’ and gray with an ‘a’ are correct spellings of the colour/shade, grey/gray.
Aide is a noun and means assistant. Aid can be a noun or a verb, and means ‘to offer help’, or refers to the help given.
All ready (two words) means “totally prepared” or … ready. Already (one word) is an adverb that highlights something as having happened before now or by now.
Possessives show possession or belonging, and are formed with the addition of an apostrophe + s to the end of a noun.
Adjectives tell us how much or to what extent something has a quality or trait. Comparatives compare the amount with something else, whereas superlatives say something has the most or greatest extent of that trait.
An aisle is a passage between rows of seats or shelves (think grocery store). Isle refers to an island, typically a small one.
In American Style, punctuation typically goes inside quotation marks. For British English, punctuation usually goes outside of quotation marks. Exceptions exist in either case.
When you use “but” to join two independent clauses (each of which can stand alone as a sentence), a comma should be placed before “but”.
Awhile (one word) is an adverb that means “for a period of time”. A while is a noun phrase that means an unspecified period of time.