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Elan Yash
Elan is head of design and tech. He's also a contributor at Grammarflex.
What’s the Plural of Life?
The plural of life is lives, as in The Days of Our Lives. ‘Life’ is a singular noun.
What’s the Plural of Axis?
Axis plural is axes (not to be mistaken for the woodsman’s tool, albeit spelled the same.)
What’s the Plural of Knife?
The plural of knife (singular noun) is knives. Knife is irregular and replaces -fe with -ves as a plural.
What’s the Plural of Thief?
The plural of thief is thieves. Thief ends in a sibilant (f), which typically take on -ves as a plural noun form.
What’s the Plural of Buffalo? Buffalos or Buffaloes?
If not Buffalo, New York, the plural of buffalo is buffalo, buffalos, and buffaloes.
What’s the Plural of Calf? (Calfs? Calves?)
Whether the leg or bovine species, the plural of calf is calves.
What’s the Plural of Roof? Roofs or Rooves?
The plural of roof is roofs. Some use rooves, which is unbecoming.