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Nouns mention people, places, things or ideas. Most nouns are countable, and come in a singular or plural noun form. By and large, most nouns in English add “es” or “s” to denote a plural. These are called “regular nouns”.

Irregular nouns become plural by some other inflection, or they may simply remain as is. These nouns are harder to learn, but we have the answers to all the common questions on proper noun forms; like, “what’s the plural of sheep?”, “is fish plural or singular?”, “is ox plural oxes, or oxen?” To all of your questions on plural nouns, we have the answers. Also, no, meese is not the plural of moose; it’s just moose.

What’s the Plural of Stimulus?

Stimulus, like other Latin nouns that have made it to Modern English (syllabus, locus, focus, radius,) uses -I as a plural noun, stimuli.

Is Criteria Singular or Plural?

Criteria, which are a “standard or principle by which something is judged”, is a plural noun. Criterion is the singular of criteria.

Is Media Singular or Plural?

‍Media (pl. n.) singular is medium, in most cases. Media can be used as a mass noun, or non-count noun, which only use singular noun forms.

What’s the Plural of Apex?

Apex meaning, “the tip, point, or summit”, comes from Latin; originally, its plural is apices. Apexes has come to be accepted over time.

What’s the Plural of Index?

The plural of index (a Latin noun) is indexes or indices, though indices is the original, Latin plural form.