Words in English You Probably Didn’t Know Are German
English is a Germanic language. Its core grammar and vocabulary are inherited from the Proto-Germanic languages, which are “reconstructed from the “East Germanic, Old Norse
English is a Germanic language. Its core grammar and vocabulary are inherited from the Proto-Germanic languages, which are “reconstructed from the “East Germanic, Old Norse
What is an en dash vs. em dash? An en dash (–) is slightly longer than a hyphen (-) but shorter than an em dash
Capitalize from this guide on the rules of capitalization in English. When to capitalize and when not to capitalize is a common question; let’s take
The rules of capitalization may seem obvious, but looks can be deceiving. Do we capitalize the days of the week? Answer: Yes, the days of
The question of whether to place punctuation inside or outside of parentheses regularly perplexes writers. We all know that it’s important to use proper punctuation
Are amiable and amicable the same? Both amiable and amicable are adjectives, (i.e., describing words) that have to do with pleasant or friendly feelings. The