“Toward” or “Towards”? (Spelling, Differences & Examples)
Toward and towards (with an ‘s’ at the end) are both correct spellings of the preposition that means “in the direction of somebody/something”. It could
Grammarflex » writing-tips » UK vs. US English
English writing, spelling and punctuation will oftentimes differ based on UK vs. US English, along with Australian and Canadian English. It’s important to understand these differences to communicate correctly according to the style that applies to you.
Though the spelling differences may be minor, they appear frequently and are regularly confused. For example, the word colour is spelled “-our” according to UK English, but US English prefers color (without the “u”). Similarly, words like favour, humour and labour are all spelled with “-our” in British English, but US English omits the “-u”. Learn about other differences in punctuation, spelling and formatting according to UK vs. US English.
Toward and towards (with an ‘s’ at the end) are both correct spellings of the preposition that means “in the direction of somebody/something”. It could
Kneeled and knelt are both past tense spellings of the verb kneel, which describes “being in or moving into a position where your body is
Fulfil and fulfill are two spellings of the verb meaning to “to do or achieve what was hoped for or expected”, or “succeed in developing
Judgment and judgement are two different spellings of the same word and noun meaning “to form an opinion”, the opinion itself or the “capacity to
Organization and organisation are two different spellings of the word and noun that can either refer to a group of people who “form a business,
Is it spelled practice or practise? Particular English verbs (and words belonging to other parts of speech), use different spellings based on regional spelling rules
Is it “realize” or “realise”? The verb, to realize, which describes “becoming aware of a particular fact or situation”; “to achieve something important that you
Labeled and labelled are different spellings of the same word and action meaning, “to fix a label on something or write information on something”. Labelled
To analyze is a verb that means to “examine the nature or structure of something”; but should it be spelled analyze or analyse? Analyze vs.
When communicating in English, it’s important to consider the varying styles of English that exist. This article focuses on the differences between US and UK