Learn your grammar first—then flex it. Grammarflex makes learning fun and digestible. Our lessons are readable, and gets to the core of the subject.
Grammarflex (Gflex, for short) delivers authoritative, engaging, and digestible grammar lessons on everything related to writing and written communication in English. Our blog covers topics on punctuation to idioms, sentence structure, and overall writing style.
Our aim is to evolve as professionals and learners, to incite a curiosity that endures, and to share the message that strong communication skills (whether verbal or written) are necessary, and essential skills.
This ideal inspires and grounds our work at GrammarFlex. With that, we are always looking for ways to be better, and so, let us know what we can do better (and anything you’d like to see at GrammarFlex in the future!)
Gflex will be coming out with complete courses on English grammar and writing comprehension. Sign up to stay up to date!
Gflex is run by a small and mighty team: Dalia Y., Founder and head writer, and Elan Y. who is our lead designer and brand guide.