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“Humour” vs. “Humor” (Which Spelling is Correct?)

Is it humour or humor?

Is it “humour” or “humor”?

Insofar as the noun and verb forms of humour/humor are spelled, which refers to “the quality in something that makes it funny; the ability to laugh at things that are funny”. The answer is straightforward, and it concerns regional spelling preferences:

  • British English spells “humour” (with the “u”).

  • American English spells “humor” (without “u”).

Note: UK English is predominant across most English speaking countries worldwide; except, of course, for the United States. By and large, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a number of Caribbean countries conform to UK English spelling rules and conventions.

Other “-our”/”-or” words

Other words that share the “-our” / “-or” suffix and follow the same spelling convention:

UK EnglishUS English

Other forms of humour/humor

Other verb/noun forms also conform to the same spelling rules based on US/UK English:

Part of speechWord
adverbhumorously; humourlessly

Sentences with humour/humor as a noun

It was a story full of gentle humour/humor.

She ignored his feeble attempt at humour/humor.

They failed to see the humour/humor of the situation.

I can’t stand people with no sense of humour/humor.

She has her very own brand of humour/humor.

Sentences with humour/humor as a verb

She thought it best to humour/humor him rather than get into an argument.

She will actually sit and watch them with me, to humour/humor me.

I know you don’t agree, but just humour/humor me.

Synonyms of humour/humor

  • funniness
  • drollery
  • comedy
  • humorousness
  • hilariousness
  • drollness
  • amusement
  • comicality
  • irony

Phrases with humour/humor

  • good sense of humour
  • ill humour
  • gallows humour (jokes about unpleasant things like death)
  • aqueous humour (the clear liquid inside the front part of the eye)
  • vitreous humour (the clear substance inside the eye)

Origin of the word humor/humour

Etymonline on humour:

Mid-14c., “fluid or juice of an animal or plant,” from Old North French humour “liquid, dampness; (medical) humor; from Latin umor “body fluid”.

—Etymonline, humour.

Learn more about US English vs. UK English

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  1. Harper, Douglas. “Etymology of humor.” Online Etymology Dictionary, Accessed 12 February, 2024.
  2. Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, Accessed on 12 February, 2024. “aqueous humour“.

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