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Are Glasses Singular or Plural?

Glasses are a 'plural-only' noun, and are only used as a plural noun. Objects that are made up of parts/pieces/pairs are called plural-only.

What’s the plural of “glasses”?

Glasses meaning eyeglasses is plural and has no singular noun form. Glasses as in a cup, or vessel for liquids and beverages can be called a glass as a singular object. Often called ‘a pair of glasses,’ glasses is exclusively plural and made up of parts. Some nouns in English that consist of pairs, parts or pieces are only referred to in the plural case. Words and things like glasses, spectacles, pants, jeans, scissors, trousers and tongs are all only used in the plural, and have no singular noun form.

Are “glasses” singular or plural?

Glasses is plural and has no singular noun form. This is because glasses are made up of parts, and so are only used in the plural noun form, i.e., glasses.

What are glasses?

The word and commonly used household object glasses, or eyewear, are defined in the dictionary as, “a pair of lenses for correcting faulty vision, in a frame that rests on the bridge of the nose and hooks behind the earsAlso called: spectacles, eyeglasses .”

Plural-only nouns

Glasses are an instrument or tool made of pieces/parts. The English language reflects this by referring to glasses (as in the eyewear) only as a plural noun. Likewise, these other nouns are exclusively-plural. In English, we call them the plural-only nouns, and just like they sound, they’re only referred to as a plural. See the list:

Plural-Only Nouns Chart
Plural-only/non-singular nouns. By Gflex on Canva.

Examples of glasses used in context

1. I need new frames for my glasses.

2. The glasses are small in comparison with the old ones.

3. I noticed that she was wearing new glasses.

4. At that point, a tall, brown-haired man with wire-rimmed glasses came over to me, sat down, and peppered me with questions.

5. Look at the world through rose-coloured glasses.

Origin of the word glasses

From etymonline on glasses:

“Old English glæs “glass; a glass vessel,” from Proto-Germanic *glasam “glass” (source also of Old Saxon glas, Middle Dutch and Dutch glas, German Glas, Old Norse gler “glass, looking glass,” Danish glar), from PIE root”.

What’re personal pronouns?

What’s the difference between they’re, their, and there?

Whose vs who’s?


  1. Definition of glasses.
  2. Synonyms for glasses.
  3. Origin of the word glasses.

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