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What’s the Plural of Synthesis?

Synthesis is singular. Syntheses is plural.

Is “synthesis” singular or plural?

What’s with the word synthesis, and why does it behave the way it does from its singular to plural form? Keep reading.

  • Synthesis (pronounced sin·thuh·sis)is singular.

  • Syntheses (pronounced sin·thuh·seas) is plural.

What’s the definition of synthesis/syntheses?

The Merriam-Webster defines the word synthesis as “the composition or combination of parts or elements so as to form a whole.”

What’s the plural of synthesis?

The plural of synthesis (i.e., syntheses), is irregular. While it ends in –es as a plural (and, in this sense, follows the regular plural noun form), it does so by replacing its suffix as a singular noun. This is unusual in English grammar. Typically, to form a plural, you would add the -es/-s: books, phones, dogs and cats all form a plural by adding an s to demonstrate plurality. It’s an easy, simple, and straightforward way to form a plural noun—just add the s.

This rule of pluralization doesn’t work in the case of synthesis, hypothesis, thesis, synopsis, crisis, oasis,  diagnosis (the list goes on). Each of these nouns/words were introduced to Modern English from the Greek; “a synthesis,” comes from Greek Greek synthesis “composition, a putting together,” from syntithenai “put together, combine,” from syn- “together”. These irregular, Greek words all modify the same way from singular to plural. See the chart below.

Nouns that end in -sis/-ses


Greek nouns in English

Examples of “synthesis” in context

1. Her synthesis of feminism and socialism ran counter to all other historical currents.

2. His novels are a rich synthesis of Balkan history and mythology.

3. This kind of lighting encourages vitamin D synthesis in the skin.

4. There are procedures for the synthesis of organic compounds from elements.

5. The vitamin participates in the human body’s synthesis of proteins for cellular growth, development, differentiation and ability to adhere to one another.

Examples of “syntheses” in context

1. Retinoic acid is derived mainly by local syntheses through the enzymatic oxidation of retinol.

2. Some of them have already been synthesized and approbated, the syntheses and testing of others is still forthcoming.

3. Over the course of his career, he has taught electromagnetics, communication and information theory, circuit syntheses, and coherent optics.

4. He provided valuable syntheses on taphonomy and biogeography along with numerous papers detailing new species.

5. Various derivatives of tropolone have been synthesized, and recently three independent syntheses of tropolone have been described.

Synonyms of synthesis/syntheses

  • admixture
  • amalgamation
  • combination
  • conflation
  • alloy  
  • composite
  • mixture
  • meld  
  • blend
  • fusion
  • integration
  • coalescence


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  1. Definition of synthesis.
  2. Origin of synthesis.
  3. Synonyms of synthesis.
  4. Example sentences: synthesis/syntheses.

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