What’s the Past Tense of Swing?
The present tense verb, swing, is an irregular verb with one past form, i.e., swung.
What’s the past tense of sleep? Or wake, ride, bite, write and draw? Each verb has its corresponding present, past and future tenses (altogether, there are 12 tenses in English).
If you need clarification on the tenses and the various verb forms, look no further. But make no mistake: verb tenses in English are confusing. Listen closely, and you’ll hear how they’re constantly confused. That said, understanding the correct conjugations of different tenses, and what the different tenses mean is integral to understanding the structure of language as a whole.
There are 4 past tenses (the simple past, the past continuous, the past perfect and the past perfect continuous tense).
The present tense verb, swing, is an irregular verb with one past form, i.e., swung.
To shine, intransitively, has shone as a past tense. Shined is the past tense of the transitive verb, to shine a light on something.
Does he spit rhymes or spat rhymes? What’s the past tense of spit? The answer is spat.
What’s the past tense of “begin”? The word (and verb) to begin (present tense), means “to start doing something; to do the first part of… Read More »What’s the Past Tense of Begin?
‘Know’ is the present tense, ‘knew’ is the past tense form, and ‘had/have known’ is the past participle form of the verb.
Give is the present simple, gave is the past simple, and given is the past participle form of the verb. Read more to learn what this post gives…
The past tense is divided into 4 groups, all of which depict an action as occuring at a point or period of time in the past.
Wake (present tense) has two past verb forms: woke and woken. Woke is the simple past, and woken is the past participle (used with a helper verb).
Shake is the present tense. Shook is the simple past tense, and ‘had shaken’ is the past participle form of shake.
Show has three verb conjugations altogether: show, showed, and shown/showed (depending on UK/American English). Shown is the past participle of show.