What’s the Plural of Calf? (Calfs? Calves?)
Whether the leg or bovine species, the plural of calf is calves.
Whether the leg or bovine species, the plural of calf is calves.
Shelf plural is shelves. Most nouns that end in f/fe use ves as a plural.
The plural of the Canis lupus, more commonly referred to as a wolf, is wolves. Wolves is the only plural form of wolf.
The plural of tooth is teeth. Tooth is an irregular noun, and replaces o’s with e’s as a plural.
The simple, sweet answer (much like the subject matter itself) is that the plural of loaf is loaves.
The plural of roof is roofs. Some use rooves, which is unbecoming.
Foot plural is feet. Look tooth plural is teeth, foot is an irregular English plural noun that does not end in s/es.
Either shrimp or shrimps are accepted as the plural of these marine crustaceans and decapods. Shrimp without the -s is more commonly used as the plural form.
The American bison, (not to be confused with the buffalo, which hails from Africa) stays the same in both its singular and plural noun forms, both are bison.
Nemesis plural is nemeses, like other Greek words, it ends in -ses as a plural noun.