What’s the Plural of Oasis?
Oasis, plural, is oases. Like other Greek nouns that have conserved their form, oasis turns to oases in its plural noun form.
Oasis, plural, is oases. Like other Greek nouns that have conserved their form, oasis turns to oases in its plural noun form.
Crisis, which comes from Greek, is crises as a plural noun form. Crises is the only correct plural of crisis.
The plural of leaf is leaves. That’s the only plural for a leaf.
Quit horsin’ around, both hooves and hoofs are correct plural forms of the hoof.
The only plural noun form of man is men (rhymes with pen). Use men (pl. n.) to refer to more than one man (sing. n).
When referring to the noun and parasitic, wingless insect, the plural form of the singular noun louse is lice.
Make no mouse-take, the plural of mouse is mice, when referring to the rodent. For a computer mouse, both computer mouses and computer mice works.
Make no moose-take, the only correct plural of sheep is sheep, sans -s .