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What’s the Plural of Elf?

Is there an elf on your shelf? If there were more than one, there are elves on your shelf (or shelves, if you have more than one shelf, too).

Elf or elves?

Elves is the plural of an elf. Elf is singular.

Elves (not elfs) used in sentences.

What’s the singular of elf?

The singular of elf is just elf.

What does the word “elf” mean?

The Cambridge online dictionary defines the word elf as:

An imaginary being, often like a small person with pointed ears, in popular stories.

Other irregular plural nouns (f-/-fe suffixes)

Elf belongs to the category of irregular plural nouns that end in the sibilant-sounding -f/fe. See the following chart of irregular plural nouns ending in -f/-fe, and convert to -ves as a plural (for the most part):

thiefthieves (or thiefs)

These words all share Germanic/PIE (Proto-Indo-European) origin. The Germanic origin of these irregular plurals could likely have something to do with each of these nouns converting the same from the singular case to plural.

“Elf” in sentence examples

1. With his small frame and bright eyes, he’d always reminded her of an elf of some sort.

2. Never had the fortune to see an elf, myself!

3. The skirt is finished in an elf hem with jingle bell trim.

4. Infant elf costumes typically come in bunting styles.

5. This feature allows players to create completely unique Human or Elf characters.

Elves in context (in sentences)

The following sentences show the correct use of the plural noun, elves in sentences:

1. He had no opinion about elves or candy canes.

2. Elves wear red and green outfits and have pointy ears.

3. A group of half Vampires, led by Valdemar, has united the Dark Elves into a large imposing force.

4. Many department stores that feature a Santa often have a Mrs. Claus as well as a host of elves.

5. Based on the classic by J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Hobbit Play” will feature 44 M.V. Charter School students … there will be singing dwarves, dancing hobbits, and elves, along with other characters—Gollum, trolls, goblins, and even a dragon. ( The M.V. Times (Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.), 10 May 2019.)

Origin of elf

From etymology online on elf (n.):

“One of a race of powerful supernatural beings in Germanic folklore,” Old English elf (Mercian, Kentish), ælf (Northumbrian), ylfe (plural, West Saxon) “sprite, fairy, goblin, incubus,” from Proto-Germanic *albiz.”

Synonyms of elf

  • leprechaun
  • fairy
  • mythical creature
  • troll
  • goblin
  • gnome
  • brownie
  • elfin


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  1. Definition of elf.
  2. Origin of elf.
  3. Elves plural.
  4. Elves/elf sentence examples.
  5. Synonyms of elf.


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