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What’s the Plural of Ellipsis?

Ellipsis (pronounced ee-lip-sis) and look like three periods in succession (...), is ellipses as a plural noun.

Is “ellipsis” singular or plural?

Ellipses is plural; ellipsis is singular. Ellipses (pronounced e-lip-sees) is the only plural form of the singular noun ellipsis. Why is ellipsis/ellipses an irregular plural noun? Keep reading to learn more.

What the definition of ellipsis?

Merriam-Webster defines ellipsis/ellipses as “marks or a mark (such as … ) indicating an omission (as of words) or a pause.” Ellipsis/ellipses are three dots or periods in a row, and when one appears in sentences, they indicate a strong pause (stronger than one from a period or comma).

Nouns that end in -sis/-ses


Ellipsis is an irregular noun since it doesn’t end in the standard plural noun suffix of -s/-es. The same as other irregular nouns, ellipsis belongs to the category of Greek nouns that end in -sis/-ses (as a plural.) See the chart:

Greek nouns in English. Chart by Grammarflex.

Examples of ellipsis used in sentences

Today … we vetoed the bill.

After school I went to her house … and then came home.

Ellipses save space or remove material that is less relevant.

Why would he do that . . . ?

I was thinking . . . maybe we should call home.

Origin of the word ellipsis

From etymonline on ellipsis:

From Greek elleipsis “a falling short, defect, ellipse in grammar,” noun of action from elleipein “to fall short, leave out,” from en- “in”.


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  1. “Ellipsis.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 15 Jan. 2023.
  2. Harper Douglas, “Etymology of ellipsis,” Online Etymology Dictionary, accessed January 15, 2023,

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