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What’s the Plural of Paralysis?

The plural of paralysis is paralyses.

What’s the plural of “paralysis”?

The plural of paralysis (paralyses), is irregular. Though it ends in –es as a plural, it does so by replacing its ending in the singular case. Usually, nouns add on the -es/-s to show a plural: books, phones, dogs and cats simply add the s to demonstrate more than. It’s a simple and straightforward way to form a plural noun: just add an s.

This is not the case with nouns like hypnosis, thesis, synopsis, crisis, oasis, (the list goes on). It could have something to do with the fact that each of these words were brought down to Modern English from Ancient Greek. Which is likely why the same rule applies with these other Greek ‘irregular’ nouns, crisis, oasis, diagnosis, and so forth; like paralysis, each modifies to –ses to convey plurality. See the chart.

Nouns that end in -sis/-ses


Greek nouns in English. Chart by Grammarflex.

Examples of “paralysis” in context

The disease causes a paralysis of the legs.

The whole country is in a state of paralysis.

They are trying to end the political paralysis that has been gripping the country.

On the 29th of May he suffered a stroke of paralysis, which caused his death eight days later (June 6). 3. 2.

It’s removed some of my paralysis.

Examples of “paralyses” in context

It can lead to facial paralyses, deafness and blindness as nerves are put under pressure by the bones.

Its users can suffer paralyses, fits and heart failure.

Motor neuron diseases causes steady paralyses of the body while leaving the mind clear and sharp.

Large slipped discs can also cause muscle paralyses and loss of bladder control.

They suffer progressive paralyses and the film shows them lurching from side to side as they become unable to walk properly.

Synonyms of paralysis/paralyses

  • breakdown
  • stagnation
  • immobility
  • shutdown
  • breakage
  • halt
  • inactivity
  • debilitation
  • impairment


What’re personal pronouns?

What’s the difference between they’re, their, and there?

Whose vs who’s?


  1. Merriam-webster, paralysis.
  2. Paralysis synonyms.
  3. Paralysis examples in sentences.

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