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What’s the Plural of Parenthesis?

The plural of parenthesis, also called brackets, is parentheses.

Is “parenthesis” singular or plural?

  • Parenthesis is singular.

  • Parentheses (pronounced par-en-thuh-sees) is the plural of parenthesis.

Why does the word parenthesis modify the way it does from singular to plural? Keep reading.

What the definition of parenthesis/parentheses?

The Merriam-Webster defines parenthesis as “an amplifying (see AMPLIFY sense 1) or explanatory word, phrase, or sentence inserted in a passage from which it is usually set off by punctuation.”

What’s the plural of parenthesis?

The plural of parenthesis (parentheses), is irregular. Though it ends in –es as a plural, it does so by replacing its ending in the singular case. Usually, nouns add on the -es/-s to show a plural: books, phones, dogs and cats simply add the s to demonstrate more than one. This is an easy, simple and straightforward way to form a plural noun: just add the s.

This does not work with words like thesis, synopsis, crisis, oasis, (the list goes on.) All of these words derive from Greek, so it may have something to do with the common origin that makes these nouns irregular in their plural forms.  See the chart:

Nouns that end in -sis/-ses

Greek nouns in English. Chart by Grammarflex.

Examples of the word parenthesis used in context

1. The ‘Copy’ tool action script has been corrected to add missing right parenthesis.

2. If the parenthesis is taken away, the passage would still be complete without it – it’s an afterthought or bonus. (Twinkl, parenthesis.)

3. Parenthesis is the use of a phrase, word or sentence that’s added into writing as extra information or an afterthought. (Twinkl, parenthesis.)

4. Take out the URL from the parenthesis, and type in the url where your photo is stored.

5. If the string begins with an open parenthesis, it is treated as a standard format string.

Examples of parentheses in context:

1. The speaker inserted some often amusing parentheses during his speech.

2. The percentage of each activity in nontruant children is given in parentheses for comparison.

3. To do this, place Miss, Mrs., Ms. in parentheses before their name.

4. Taxon lists show number of differences from specimen in parentheses.

5. For each of these arenas, collect the number of points in parentheses.

6. Parentheses are a popular way to add information to a sentence without breaking its flow, but they come with some very specific rules. (Parentheses, grammarist.)

Origin of the word parenthesis

From etymonline on parenthesis:

From Greek parenthesis, literally “a putting in beside,” from parentithenai “put in beside,” from para- “beside”.

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  1. Origin of parenthesis.
  2. Grammarist, parenthesis.
  3. Definition of parenthesis.

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