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What’s the Plural of Stratum?

Both strata and stratums are accepted plurals of the Latin noun, stratum.

What’s the plural of “stratum”?

The plural of stratum is strata or stratums.

What’s the singular of strata?

Stratum is the singular of strata and stratums.

What does the word strata/stratum mean?

The word stratum is understood as either “a sheetlike mass of sedimentary rock or earth of one kind lying between beds of other kinds,” or “a socioeconomic level of society comprising persons of the same or similar status especially with regard to education or culture.”

Other Latin nouns in English

stratumstrata or stratums
referendumreferenda or referendums
memorandummemoranda or memorandums
curriculumcurricula or curriculums
addendumaddenda or addendums
symposiumsymposia or symposiums

Examples of the word stratum used in sentences

1. In repairing the modern road just outside the south entrance to the tunnel, a stratum of carbonized corn, beans, & co.

2. The best source for deciding the wealth and social stratum of the willmakers is no doubt the probate material.

3. It was an enormous task that affected every stratum of society.

4. ‘Stratum‘ is a layer of rock in the ground.

5. An aquifer is a water – bearing rock stratum such as sandstone and chalk.

Examples of strata/stratums used in application:

1. Marsh, who, after 1870, discovered a great number of bird remains in the Cretaceous strata of North America.

2. The level of writing in that pop novel is several strata beneath that of serious fiction.

3. There was a strata of Paris which mere criticism of books fails to get hold of.  Ezra Pound

4. A Roman burial ground suggests stratas of corruption and decay.  Connie Fletcher, Booklist

5. The lower strata of society have been hit especially hard by this economic downturn.

Origin of the word stratum

From etymology online on stratum (n.):

“Horizontal layer,” 1590s, from Modern Latin special use of Latin stratum “thing spread out, coverlet, bedspread, horse-blanket; pavement”.


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  1. Definition of stratum.
  2. Sentences using stratum.
  3. Origin of stratum.

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